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Creating Shareable Content: Top Tips for Maximum Engagement

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In the bustling world of digital media, where attention spans are short, and the competition for clicks is fierce, creating content that stands out and gets shared is a formidable challenge. From bloggers to businesses, the quest for shareable content is a common goal, as it can catapult online visibility, drive traffic, and foster community engagement. In this guide, we delve into the art and science of crafting highly shareable content. Whether you’re aiming to go viral on social media or simply seeking to resonate with your audience, these top tips will serve as your roadmap to creating content that sparks conversations, inspires action, and leaves a lasting impression. Let’s dive in and explore the strategies that will elevate your content game and make it irresistibly shareable.

Understanding Your Audience: The Foundation of Shareable Content

Before embarking on your content creation journey, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of your audience. Who are they? What are their interests, needs, and pain points? What type of content resonates with them? You can tailor your content to meet your target audience’s specific needs and preferences by answering these questions.

Dive Into Data:

  • Utilize analytics tools to gather insights into your audience demographics, behavior, and preferences. This data will guide you in creating content that speaks directly to their interests.

Persona Development:

  • Create detailed audience personas that represent different segments of your target audience. This helps visualize who you are creating content for and crafting messages that resonate with each persona.

Feedback and Engagement:

  • Engage with your audience through comments, polls, surveys, and social media interactions. Pay attention to their feedback, questions, and discussions to uncover valuable insights for content creation.

The Power of Compelling Storytelling

Storytelling is a timeless art form that can captivate, inspire, and connect with audiences on a deeper level. Incorporating storytelling techniques into your content can make it more engaging, relatable, and memorable.

Create Emotional Connections:

  • Tap into emotions such as joy, surprise, empathy, or nostalgia to evoke strong reactions from your audience. Emotional content is more likely to be shared as it resonates with people personally.

Use Narratives to Convey Messages:

  • Whether it’s a customer success story, a journey of overcoming challenges, or a behind-the-scenes look at your brand, narratives add depth and authenticity to your content.

Visual Storytelling:

  • Leverage the power of visuals such as images, videos, and infographics to complement your storytelling. Visual content enhances the storytelling experience and makes it more shareable on social media platforms.

Providing Value and Utility

One of the surefire ways to encourage sharing is by offering valuable and helpful content that solves problems, provides insights, or offers practical tips and advice.

Address Pain Points:

  • Identify common challenges or questions within your industry or niche and create content that provides solutions. This positions you as a helpful resource and encourages sharing among those seeking similar solutions.

How-To Guides and Tutorials:

  • Share step-by-step guides, tutorials, or DIY projects that give your audience actionable information. Practical content that helps them achieve their goals is highly shareable.

Curated Content:

  • Compile lists of resources, tools, or recommendations valuable to your audience. Curated content saves time for your audience and positions you as a trusted source of information.

Engaging Visuals and Multimedia

Visual elements are significant in capturing attention and making your content shareable. Incorporate a mix of images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements to enhance the visual appeal of your content.

High-Quality Images and Graphics:

  • Use striking images, custom graphics, and visually appealing illustrations that are relevant to your content. Visuals should complement your message and make it more engaging.

Video Content:

  • Videos are highly shareable and have become a dominant form of content online. Create how-to videos, product demonstrations, or behind-the-scenes glimpses to entertain and educate your audience.

Infographics and Data Visualizations:

  • Condense complex information into easy-to-digest infographics or data visualizations. These visually appealing formats are perfect for sharing on social media platforms.

Optimizing for Social Sharing

To maximize the shareability of your content, make it easy for your audience to share it across their social networks. Incorporate social sharing buttons, optimized meta tags, and compelling descriptions to encourage sharing.

Social Sharing Buttons:

  • Place prominent social sharing buttons on your website or blog posts, allowing visitors to share content with a single click easily.

Shareable Quotes and Snippets:

  • Highlight key quotes, statistics, or share-worthy insights within your content. Encourage readers to share these snippets on their social media profiles.


  • Embed click-to-tweet buttons within your content, allowing readers to easily share specific quotes or messages directly to Twitter.

Compelling Meta Tags and Descriptions:

  • Craft attention-grabbing meta titles and descriptions that entice users to click and share. Optimize them with relevant keywords and hashtags for maximum visibility.

Engaging with Your Audience for Maximum Impact

Building a strong connection with your audience goes beyond just creating content—it involves actively engaging with them and fostering a sense of community. Here are some strategies to boost engagement and encourage sharing:

Respond to Comments and Messages:

  • Take the time to reply to comments on your blog posts, social media posts, and emails. Acknowledge feedback, answer questions, and engage in conversations with your audience.

Encourage User-Generated Content:

  • Invite your audience to share their stories, photos, or experiences related to your brand or content. User-generated content fosters a sense of belonging and encourages others to share.

Run Contests and Giveaways:

  • Contests and giveaways are effective ways to incentivize engagement and sharing. Encourage participants to share the contest with their friends for additional entries.

Host Live Q&A Sessions:

  • Organize live Q&A sessions on social media platforms or through webinars. This interactive format lets your audience ask real-time questions and engage with your content.

Create Polls and Surveys:

  • Polls and surveys are simple yet effective ways to gather feedback from your audience. Use the insights to tailor your content and offerings to their preferences.

Harnessing the Power of Emotional Appeal

Emotions play a significant role in driving sharing behavior. Content that evokes strong emotions such as joy, surprise, anger, or inspiration is more likely to be shared across social media platforms.

Use Emotional Storytelling:

  • Share personal anecdotes, success stories, or testimonials that tug at the heartstrings. Stories that evoke empathy or inspire action are often shared as they resonate with people on a deeper level.

Leverage Positive Associations:

  • Create content that elicits positive emotions such as happiness, humor, or awe. Positive experiences are more likely to be shared as they bring a sense of joy to the audience.

Spark Controversy (Carefully):

  • While controversial topics can generate buzz and discussion, approach them with caution. Controversy, for the sake of it may backfire, but thought-provoking talks can lead to sharing.

Crafting Shareable Headlines and Hooks

The first step to getting your content shared is capturing attention with an irresistible headline or hook. Here are some tips for crafting share-worthy headlines:

Be Clear and Concise:

  • Communicate the benefit or value of your content in the headline. Use concise language that grabs attention and entices readers to click.

Invoke Curiosity:

  • Pose a question or tease intriguing information in the headline to pique curiosity. Make readers want to learn more by hinting at what’s inside.

Use Numbers and Lists:

  • People are drawn to headlines with numbers, which promise clear and structured information. Use lists, such as “5 Ways to…” or “Top 10 Tips for…” to appeal to readers.

Include Power Words:

  • Incorporate words that evoke strong emotions or convey urgency, such as “ultimate,” “unbelievable,” “essential,” or “must-have.”

Leveraging Influencers and Collaborations

Partnering with influencers or collaborating with other brands can significantly amplify the reach and shareability of your content. Here’s how to leverage influencer partnerships:

Identify Relevant Influencers:

  • Look for influencers in your industry or niche who resonate with your brand values and target audience. Their endorsement can lend credibility and reach to your content.

Collaborate on Content:

  • Co-create content with influencers or other brands to tap into their existing audience. Collaborative efforts often result in shared promotion and increased visibility.

Leverage User Testimonials:

  • Feature testimonials or endorsements from influencers, customers, or industry experts in your content. Their authority and social proof can encourage sharing.

Tracking and Analyzing Shareability Metrics

To gauge the success of your shareable content efforts, tracking and analyzing relevant metrics is crucial. Here are key metrics to monitor:

Social Shares:

  • Keep track of the shares your content receives on social media platforms. This indicates how well your content is resonating with your audience.

Engagement Rates:

  • Monitor likes, comments, and reactions to assess how actively your audience engages with your content. Higher engagement rates often lead to more shares.

Referral Traffic:

  • Analyze the sources of traffic to your website or content. Referral traffic from social media shares indicates how effectively your content is being shared.

Conversion Rates:

  • Measure the impact of shareable content on your conversion goals, such as sign-ups, purchases, or downloads. A high conversion rate indicates that your content is not only being shared but also driving action.

Conclusion: Empower Your Content for the Shareability Factor

Crafting shareable content is an art that combines understanding your audience, storytelling finesse, emotional appeal, captivating headlines, influencer partnerships, and data-driven analysis. By implementing these strategies and tips into your content creation process, you can elevate your content’s shareability and amplify its reach across digital platforms.

Remember, the essence of shareable content lies in its ability to strike a chord with your audience, evoke emotions, provide value, and spark meaningful conversations. So, dive into the minds of your audience, tell compelling stories, create irresistible headlines, collaborate with influencers, and track your success metrics. With these tools in your arsenal, your content will be shared and a catalyst for engagement, connection, and community-building in the digital realm.

Creating shareable content is a strategic blend of understanding your audience, storytelling prowess, providing value, engaging visuals, and optimizing social sharing. By implementing these top tips into your content creation strategy, you can amplify your reach, increase engagement, and spark meaningful conversations within your online community. Remember, the essence of shareable content lies in its ability to resonate with people, evoke emotions, and provide value that compels them to hit that “share” button. So, dive into the minds of your audience, craft compelling stories, and watch your content soar to new heights of shareability in the digital sphere.

Features of Shareable Content:

Creating content that people want to share requires a strategic approach that combines various elements to captivate, engage, and inspire action. Here are key features of content that tends to get widely shared across social media platforms:

1. Emotional Appeal:

  • Shareable content often evokes strong emotions such as joy, surprise, inspiration, or anger. Emotional stories, anecdotes, or visuals resonate deeply with audiences and compel them to share with others.

2. Relevance and Timeliness:

  • Content relevant to current events, trends, or topics of interest tends to grab attention and encourage sharing. Timely content shows you are in tune with what’s happening worldwide and adds a sense of urgency.

3. Usefulness and Practical Value:

  • Providing practical tips, how-to guides, tutorials, or actionable insights adds value to your content. When people find content that helps them solve problems or improve their lives, they are likelier to share it with others who might benefit.

4. Entertainment and Humor:

  • Content that entertains, amuses, or tickles the funny bone often gets shared for its sheer entertainment value. Humorous memes, videos, or witty captions are particularly popular for sharing.

5. Visual Appeal:

  • Incorporating eye-catching visuals such as images, videos, infographics, or GIFs makes content more shareable. Visuals not only grab attention but also enhance the storytelling experience.

6. Engaging Storytelling:

  • Compelling narratives that take the audience on a journey, stir curiosity, or elicit empathy are highly shareable. Stories that resonate with personal experiences or aspirations are particularly compelling.

7. Surprise and Novelty:

  • Content that offers something unexpected, unique, or novel tends to stand out and get shared. Surprising facts, unconventional ideas, or fresh perspectives intrigue audiences.

8. Social Proof and Testimonials:

  • Including social proof in the form of customer testimonials, user reviews, or endorsements from influencers adds credibility to your content. People are more likely to share content that others have found valuable.

9. Interactive Elements:

  • Content that encourages interaction, such as quizzes, polls, surveys, or challenges, invites audience participation. Interactive content not only engages but also encourages sharing to involve others.

10. Shareable Formats and Bite-sized Content:

  • Breaking down content into easily shareable formats such as lists, quotes, snippets, or bite-sized pieces makes it more accessible for sharing on social media. People are more inclined to share content that is easy to consume and pass along.

11. Call to Action (CTA):

  • Including a clear call to action prompts the audience to take the desired action, whether it’s sharing the content, leaving a comment, or visiting a website. A compelling CTA encourages engagement and amplifies reach.

12. Mobile Optimization:

  • With the majority of social media users accessing platforms on mobile devices, optimizing content for mobile is crucial. Mobile-friendly content ensures that it is easily viewable, shareable, and engaging on smartphones and tablets.

By incorporating these features into your content creation strategy, you can increase the likelihood of your content being shared, liked, and spread across social media networks. Remember, the key is to understand your audience, deliver value, evoke emotions, and make it easy and appealing for them to share your content with their networks.

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Valuable and Relevant Content: At the heart of shareable content lies its ability to provide genuine value. Whether you aim to inform, entertain, or solve a problem, ensure your content is relevant and resonates with your audience. Valuable content becomes the foundation for encouraging organic sharing. For other social media tools, click here or direct Background Checks For Employment | ShareAble For Hires

  • Key Features: Shareable content is visually appealing, relatable, and offers value to the audience.
  • Benefits: Increased visibility, broader audience reach, and heightened engagement.
  • Considerations: Consistency in brand messaging and alignment with audience interests are crucial.

Pros and Cons of Content Creation Strategies:

  • Creating compelling and engaging content is a crucial aspect of digital marketing, but different strategies come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of various content creation strategies:
  • 1. Blogging:
  • Pros:
  • Builds Authority: Regular blogging establishes your brand as an authority in your industry or niche.
  • SEO Benefits: Blogs help improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic to your website.
  • Engagement: Blog posts encourage audience interaction through comments and social shares.
  • Educational Value: Blogs provide valuable information and insights to your audience.
  • Cons:
  • Time-Consuming: Consistently creating high-quality blog posts requires time and effort.
  • Competitive: The blogosphere is crowded, making it challenging to stand out.
  • Long-term Commitment: Maintaining a blog requires ongoing dedication to see results.
  • 2. Video Marketing:
  • Pros:
  • High Engagement: Videos tend to attract more attention and engagement from audiences.
  • Visual Appeal: Videos allow for storytelling, demonstrations, and showcasing products/services.
  • SEO Benefits: Video content can improve search engine rankings and increase website traffic.
  • Versatility: Videos can be repurposed across various platforms and social media channels.
  • Cons:
  • Production Costs: Creating high-quality videos can be expensive, especially for beginners.
  • Time-Consuming: Planning, filming, editing, and optimizing videos require significant time.
  • Technical Skills: Video creation may require expertise in videography, editing, and software tools.
  • 3. Social Media Campaigns:
  • Pros:
  • Wide Reach: Social media platforms have billions of active users, providing vast exposure.
  • Engagement: Direct interaction with the audience through comments, likes, shares, and messages.
  • Targeting Options: Precise targeting allows reaching specific demographics and interests.
  • Real-time Feedback: Instant feedback helps in understanding audience preferences and sentiments.
  • Cons:
  • Algorithm Changes: Platforms frequently update algorithms, affecting reach and visibility.
  • Platform Limitations: Each platform has its format, character limits, and posting guidelines.
  • Time-Intensive: Consistently creating and managing social media content can be time-consuming.
  • Paid Advertising Costs: Boosting posts or running ads on social media requires a budget.
  • 4. Email Marketing:
  • Pros:
  • Direct Communication: Emails allow direct communication with subscribers and customers.
  • Personalization: Tailoring emails based on user preferences and behaviors increases engagement.
  • Lead Nurturing: Email sequences and drip campaigns help nurture leads and conversions.
  • Measurable Results: Email marketing platforms provide analytics to track open rates, click-throughs, etc.
  • Cons:
  • Overwhelm: Subscribers may feel overwhelmed by too many promotional emails.
  • Spam Risk: Poorly executed email campaigns can lead to being marked as spam.
  • List Maintenance: Regularly cleaning and updating email lists is essential for effectiveness.
  • Creative Limitations: Email design is limited compared to other visual mediums like videos or graphics.
  • 5. Infographics and Visual Content:
  • Pros:
  • Visual Appeal: Infographics and visual content attract attention and convey information quickly.
  • Shareability: Easily shareable across social media platforms, increasing reach.
  • Brand Awareness: Visually appealing content helps in brand recognition and recall.
  • SEO Benefits: Infographics can generate backlinks, improving website authority.
  • Cons:
  • Design Costs: Creating high-quality infographics may require hiring a graphic designer.
  • Complexity: Balancing visual appeal with informative content can be challenging.
  • Limited Text: Infographics have limited space for detailed information compared to blogs.
  • Platform Compatibility: Ensuring compatibility across various devices and platforms is crucial.
  • 6. Podcasting:
  • Pros:
  • Audience Reach: Podcasts cater to audiences who prefer audio content, expanding reach.
  • Passive Consumption: Listeners can multitask while consuming podcasts, making it convenient.
  • Authority Building: Hosting expert interviews or discussions establishes authority in the field.
  • Long-Form Content: Allows for in-depth discussions and exploration of topics.
  • Cons:
  • Production Quality: Poor audio quality can deter listeners, requiring investment in equipment.
  • Time-Intensive: Planning, recording, editing, and promoting podcasts require time and effort.
  • Discoverability: New podcasts may struggle with visibility and building an initial audience.
  • Monetization Challenges: Monetizing podcasts can be challenging without a substantial listener base.
  • 7. Interactive Content (Quizzes, Polls, Surveys):
  • Pros:
  • Engagement: Interactive content encourages active participation from the audience.
  • Data Collection: Quizzes, polls, and surveys provide valuable insights into audience preferences.
  • Shareability: Users are more likely to share their quiz results or survey responses on social media.
  • Personalization: Tailoring content based on quiz results or survey responses enhances relevance.
  • Cons:
  • Development Time: Creating interactive content requires planning, designing, and implementation.
  • Technical Requirements: Some platforms or tools for interactive content may require technical skills.
  • Response Bias: Results of polls or surveys may be skewed based on the audience’s composition.
  • Maintenance: Regularly updating and refreshing interactive content to maintain relevance.
  • Each content creation strategy has its strengths and weaknesses, and the key is to align them with your goals, target audience, resources, and brand identity. A balanced approach that incorporates a mix of these strategies can lead to a comprehensive content marketing strategy that engages, educates, and inspires action from your audience.

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Personal Experience in Crafting Shareable Content:

  • As a content creator navigating the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, I’ve discovered that crafting shareable content is both an art and a science. It involves a delicate balance of creativity, strategy, and understanding the pulse of your audience. Here are some insights from my personal experience:
  • Understanding Audience Preferences:
  • One of the first lessons I learned is the importance of understanding my audience’s preferences, interests, and pain points. By conducting thorough research and analyzing data, I gained valuable insights into what resonates with them. This understanding has been instrumental in tailoring content that speaks directly to their needs.
  • Embracing Storytelling:
  • Storytelling is a powerful tool that I’ve embraced in my content creation journey. Whether it’s through captivating anecdotes, real-life examples, or relatable narratives, storytelling adds depth and emotion to my content. I’ve found that stories have a remarkable ability to connect with audiences on a personal level, making the content more memorable and shareable.
  • Leveraging Visual Appeal:
  • In today’s visually-driven world, the importance of visual appeal cannot be overstated. I’ve incorporated eye-catching graphics, engaging videos, and stunning images into my content strategy. Visual elements not only grab attention but also enhance the overall storytelling experience. Infographics, in particular, have been a hit, presenting complex information in a digestible and shareable format.
  • Providing Value and Utility:
  • Shareable content, in my experience, often revolves around providing genuine value and practical utility to the audience. Whether it’s offering actionable tips, how-to guides, or insightful analyses, I strive to ensure that every piece of content serves a purpose. When audiences find content that helps them solve problems or improve their lives, they are more inclined to share it with others.
  • Incorporating Emotional Triggers:
  • Emotions play a significant role in driving sharing behavior. I’ve experimented with evoking various emotions such as joy, surprise, inspiration, or empathy in my content. Whether it’s a heartwarming story, a humorous anecdote, or an awe-inspiring visual, tapping into emotions creates a connection with the audience and prompts them to share with their networks.
  • Engaging with the Community:
  • Building a community around my content has been key to its shareability. I actively engage with my audience through comments, social media interactions, and live sessions. This two-way communication fosters a sense of belonging and encourages sharing as audiences feel personally invested in the content.
  • Testing and Iterating:

My Shareability Journey: Reflecting on personal experiences, integrating shareability into a content strategy can yield remarkable results. In one instance, sharing a relatable anecdote struck a chord with the audience, resulting in a significant surge of shares and meaningful interactions.

Alternatives to Crafting Shareable Content

In the quest to create content that resonates with audiences and drives engagement, it’s essential to explore various strategies and approaches. Here are some alternative methods to consider:

1. Interactive Quizzes and Polls:

  • Engage your audience with interactive quizzes and polls that encourage participation.
  • Quizzes can be fun, informative, and shareable, especially when they provide personalized results.
  • Polls allow you to gather valuable feedback from your audience while generating interest and interaction.

2. User-Generated Content Campaigns:

  • Encourage your audience to create and share content related to your brand or products.
  • User-generated content adds authenticity, builds community, and increases brand awareness.
  • Run contests, challenges, or campaigns that incentivize users to contribute and share their experiences.

3. Influencer Collaborations:

  • Partner with influencers in your industry or niche to reach their dedicated followers.
  • Influencers can create authentic, engaging content that introduces your brand to a new audience.
  • Collaborations can include sponsored posts, product reviews, or joint campaigns tailored to the influencer’s style.

4. Live Streaming and Webinars:

  • Host live streaming sessions or webinars to connect with your audience in real time.
  • Live events create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, driving engagement and interaction.
  • Offer valuable insights, behind-the-scenes looks, product demonstrations, or expert interviews.

5. Visual Storytelling on Social Media:

  • Utilize the power of visual storytelling on social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, or TikTok.
  • Create visually appealing graphics, videos, or infographics that convey your message creatively.
  • Leverage features such as Stories, Reels, or Pins to showcase your brand’s personality and offerings.

6. Podcasting and Audio Content:

  • Dive into the world of podcasting with audio content that entertains, educates, or inspires.
  • Podcasts allow for long-form discussions, interviews, storytelling, or thought-provoking content.
  • Share episodes across platforms and directories to reach a wider audience of listeners.

7. Ebooks, Guides, and Whitepapers:

  • Offer in-depth resources such as ebooks, guides, or whitepapers that provide valuable insights.
  • These formats showcase expertise, industry knowledge, or research findings.
  • Gate the content behind a sign-up form to generate leads and grow your email list.

8. Virtual Events and Experiences:

  • Host virtual events, workshops, or online courses that offer interactive learning experiences.
  • Virtual summits, masterclasses, or product demos can attract a global audience and drive engagement.
  • Provide networking opportunities, Q&A sessions, or exclusive access to premium content.

9. Email Newsletters and Subscriptions:

  • Build a loyal subscriber base with regular email newsletters that deliver curated content.
  • Newsletters can include updates, tips, exclusive offers, and highlights from your blog or website.
  • Segment your email list based on interests or preferences to deliver personalized and relevant content.

10. Collaborative Content Projects:

  • Collaborate with other brands, creators, or industry experts on joint content projects.
  • Co-create ebooks, webinars, round-up posts, or industry reports that offer diverse perspectives.
  • Cross-promote the content across partner networks to reach a broader audience.

11. Storytelling Campaigns Across Platforms:

  • Develop cohesive storytelling campaigns that unfold across multiple platforms and media.
  • Create a narrative arc that engages audiences on social media, blogs, videos, and emails.
  • Each content adds a layer to the story, keeping audiences intrigued and eager for more.

12. Localized or Niche-Specific Content:

  • Tailor your content to specific regions, cities, or niche audiences for targeted engagement.
  • Localized content resonates with regional preferences, cultures, and trends, fostering community connection.
  • Dive deep into niche topics, interests, or subcultures to create content that speaks directly to their passions.

Exploring these alternative strategies can inject fresh creativity, engagement, and shareability into your content marketing efforts. By diversifying your approach and adapting to evolving trends, you can create a dynamic content ecosystem that captivates audiences and drives meaningful interactions.

Leveraging Social Media for Maximum Impact:

  • Social Media Integration: Harness platform-specific features, engage in conversations, and encourage user-generated content.
  • Advantages: Social media shares amplify content visibility, fostering a sense of community around your brand.
  • Considerations: Customize content for each platform, adapting to unique user behaviors and ongoing trends.

Storytelling Techniques for Emotional Connection:

  • Storytelling Elements: Craft narratives that evoke emotions, utilize relatable characters, and conclude with a clear call to action.
  • Advantages: Emotional connections increase shares, brand loyalty, and a higher likelihood of conversion.
  • Considerations: Ensure storytelling aligns with your brand values and resonates with your target audience’s emotions.

User Participation Strategies for Community Building:

  • User Participation Techniques: Encourage polls, surveys, and user-generated content to involve your audience actively.
  • Advantages: Builds a sense of community, fosters brand loyalty, and generates content that users are more likely to share.
  • Considerations: Balance user participation with maintaining brand consistency and identity.

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